In the treatment of the spine, cervical chondrosis (oa) are used injectables, ointments, creams, pills, coated tablets. The drugs occupy very much of the pain, swelling, inflammation, loss of sensitivity, vertigo, irregular blood pressure.

The characteristics of the disease
During the cervical osteoarthritis is accompanied by slow and irreversible destruction of intervertebral disc. Private operation of the shock absorber, the cartilage of joints, bone of the vertebrae also begin to deform. At the reception of the vertebrologist, or the neurologist, patients complain of sharp or stabbing pain, stiffness, dizziness, increased sharply, therefore, treatment regimens are compounds of preparations with various properties:
- an outdoor facility with a local anesthetic, regenerating, warming up the action;
- medicines, ensuring the nutrition of the brain;
- chondroprotectors, launch the recovery process of drive;
- local and system calming.
The pathology until that does not lend itself to a complete healing. The doctors ' efforts are aimed at eliminating the painful symptoms, inhibiting the spread of the disease in other parts of the spine. To do this, are composed of complex treatment regimens with the application of different drugs groups.
The signs of whiplash chondrosis
On the first stages of development of the disease the symptoms in women and men are virtually absent. From time to time of the man worried about the weakness of the sensations in the evening. It removes the fatigue after a day of work, this is why your doctor did not commit. And it is the intervertebral discs, gradually eroded. The deformation of the vertebrae with the formation of bony growths, squeezing the vertebral artery. About a year on the change uncomfortable feelings come from the pain, is reinforcing in the corners or the slopes of the head. Manifests chondrosis and these symptoms:
- in just a few clicks, crackling in the neck;
- the limitation of range of motion;
- irregular blood pressure;
- rapid heart palpitations;
- migrenepodobnykh unilateral throbbing headache;
- visual and auditory disorders.
- vertigo, unsteadiness of gait, sensations of imaginary object rotation;
- the attacks of nausea, rarely ending in vomiting.
Due to the oxygen deprivation of the brain disrupted sleep, arise weakness, apathy, fatigue, ringing in the ears. Worsening of the psycho-emotional man — he is nervous, worrying for nothing.
The principles of drug treatment
The treatment of the spine, cervical chondrosis participate in manual therapy, a professional massage therapists, physical therapists, doctors of physical THERAPY. The last step allows the application of remedies. But the main role in the treatment-emergent pharmacological drugs. Sought after by all dosage forms:
- the injectables are effective for acute exacerbations of chondrosis for the rapid elimination of its painful symptoms;
- of tablets, of capsules, of coated tablets, are appointed, at the time of remission for the prevention of the destruction of the discs, the removal of low-or moderate pain, the recovery of the circulation;
- ointments, gels, balms, creams are the safest, to cope with the rapidly stiffness, crackling sound unpleasant.
It rarely occurs to treat low back pain by a drug. In the regimens are generally included no less than 5 tools with different pharmacological properties. They combined, for use at the house.
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
NSAIDS more often than other drugs used in the treatment of the spine, cervical chondrosis. They are covenant in, across, or distant, dull pain. The mechanism of action of anti-inflammatory medications non-steroidal anti-inflammatory is based on the ability to inhibit the enzymes responsible for the production of neurotransmitters. All NSAIDS exert a complex action on the human body:
- liquidate the painful sensations;
- eliminate the cracking, clicking encountered during rotations of the neck;
- stop for acute, sub-acute, of chronic inflammatory processes affecting the soft tissues;
- stimulate the reduction of swelling, undermine sensitive to the end of nerves are to l';
- increase the volume of movements in the cervical vertebrae.
In the therapy of chondrosis well-established drug in the form of solutions for parenteral administration. Tablets practiced the appointment. The long-term use of NSAIDS causes damage to the lining of the stomach. Avoid this will help you to co-inhibitors of the proton pump . Drugs reduce the production parietal cells aggressive of the gastric juice, which increases under the influence of NSAIDS.
Synthetic hormones
Corticosteroids — forpercent synthetic hormone product of the adrenal cortex. This is the "heavy artillery" drug treatment of cervical osteoarthritis. Like natural hormones, the corticosteroids quickly cropped the inflammation, swelling, almost instantly reduce pain. They are used in the form of solutions for intramuscular injection. But when the acute pain may be their introduction directly into the area destroyed by an intervertebral disc. The therapy of the intensification of the pathology takes place in the oocytes. All it takes is a bite, a painful sensation does not appear to be in a period of 3-5 days. Corticosteroids are assigned to patients with osteochondrosis of the inefficiency of NSAIDS. All in a large list of possible side-effects. Excessive use of hormones causes damage to the muscles, bones, tendon-ligament apparatus. Hormonal of the tool is forbidden to use during gestation of the child, breastfeeding, adolescence and childhood. All glucocorticosteroids are very many counter-indications. In clinical practice, the cancellation of the event of damage to the liver, kidneys, stomach, after a hormonal therapy. They do not apply in the case of cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers, renal failure, osteoporosis.
Preparations, chondroprotective action
All the ways that apply in the treatment of chondrosis, only remove its symptoms, over the time to improve the well-being of man. The only exception chondroprotectors. In the composition of these products contain ingredients able to perform the restore destroyed cartilage of the intervertebral discs. The neck stops hurting after their use not disappear for a few hours, but forever. In the pharmacies chondroprotectors are offered in a wide range of products. This capsule, a substance for the preparation of solutions for injectable, powder, packaged in packets. The most well-known are chondroprotectors with a therapeutic efficacy of the request.
Tools improve the microcirculation
Claimed medicine to improve the circulation in the cervical osteochondrosis -nicotinate. These drugs are used in the treatment of the pathology, the greater severity, when deformed is not only the drives, but the bone of the vertebrae. The compression of the vertebral artery is manifested cervicobrachialgia. Thus, it is called a complex of symptoms of involvement of the vertebral artery: headache, "flies" before the eyes, a temporary disruption of view, sweating, rapid heart rate. Improve the microcirculation, to eliminate the "syndrome of the vertebral artery" using thioctic acid. It is included in the product in the form of tablets, solutions for parenteral administration. A disadvantage of these drugs strike without discrimination, because they accelerate the circulation of the blood throughout the body, which is not always desirable. Therefore, in the list of their contraindications are included epilepsy, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer.
Based drugs vitamins of group B
The treatment of cervical osteoarthritis in the acute phase is not complete without the application of drugs, which composition is formed from vitamins of the group B. the fact that the bony growths of the vertebrae affect not only the vertebral artery. They press and sensitive on the nerve roots, disrupting the endothelial cells. The nerve impulses enter the central nervous system with a delay, hindered by its reactions. The violation of the innervation lead to paresthesia — loss of sensitivity of certain areas of the body. In pharmacotherapy cervical chondrosis to well-established drugs, whose activity is defined as pyridoxine, thiamin, vitamin B12. Many of them are available in the form of solutions for intramuscular injection. It contains vitamins of group B and of the anesthetic. Therefore, after the injection disappears instantly the pain, recovery of the amount of motion in the area of the cervical vertebrae. Simultaneously the tool improves blood circulation, work, nervous, muscular and cardio-vascular systems, management of inflammation, degeneration of the nerves are. There are contra-indications to its use. It is one of the periods of pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to ingredients.
The best muscle relaxants
The elimination of the weakness of the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis, and the treatment of his house aggravations is often difficult to muscle spasms. Nerve root compressed the shifted intervertebral disc inflammatory edema. Occurs the stronger, the pain syndrome, as the body attempts to eliminate the muscle spasms. Through this kind of protection of the reaction is limited to the mobility of a person, sensations disappear. But often, the increase in the tonus of skeletal muscles is a cause still more pressure on the nerve endings. Appears if the intense pain face it only a muscle relaxant. The muscle relaxants are combined with all the means for the drug chondrosis, including corticosteroids. They are well tolerated, but some are capable of causing a dependence and a "withdrawal syndrome". Therefore, they are not designed for long-term therapy. The duration of treatment does not exceed a week.
The medication will improve the state of psycho-emotional
All Kondratov it is cervical, in particular, increases the psycho-emotional human. All in the achievement of the outgrowths of the vertebral artery, leading to cerebral hypoxia. The patient suffers from atypical for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system symptoms:
- panic attacks;
- depression, neurosis;
- optical and auditory disorders;
- dry dead, of the coughing;
- dyspnea;
- of anxiety, apathy, fatigue;
- different sleep disorders.
It is not necessary to do so when they appear — use of cough medicines, eye or ear drops. Eliminate symptoms, often during the receipt of the funds gentle soothing.
Vitamins and balanced complex
Most of the vitamins, acids, micro - and macro-elements enter in the body of the man with the food. But not always the foods may provide a physiological need or their poor absorption, distribution. For example, in the case of circulatory disorders, the characteristics of the cervical osteoarthritis. Occurs a deficit of bioactive substances, which affects negatively the functioning of all systems of subsistence. For the filling quick, daily needs of vitamins, micro - and macronutrients in the treatment regimens necessarily included their balanced complex. The magnesium produces muscle fiber and bone tissue, and iodine-regulates metabolism. Manganese, molybdenum, chromium, potassium, chlorine, selenium, zinc, stimulate the strengthening of the tendon-ligament apparatus, and copper management of inflammatory processes. These minerals are present in all these complexes. The proper administration of medication is to use 1 tablets per day — enough to improve the blood supply of the brain with useful substances. A week later to disappear the signs of anaemia, occurring on the 3 stages of development of the chondrosis. No one feels drowsiness, do not suffer from disorders of motor coordination. Disappears the double vision of objects in front of the eyes.
Mdicaux dressings
Proven, the tool of aggravation of the degenerative disease of the disk — patches heated. Its composition is presented in the phyto-extracts peppers red, belladonna. The active ingredients of the nicotine gradually penetrate into the area of a damaged disk, have an effect analgesique for 3-5 hours. If the pain in my neck, then an external tool uses whole or cut into small pieces. Patches heated convenient to use for the treatment of the home, at work, in travel. But there is in him, and contraindications — intolerance to any of the components. And for women with sensitive skin, it can cause a chemical burn. The patches appear to have anti-inflammatory, to reduce swelling, chondroprotective activity. They are designed for the treatment of all pathologies of the cervical spine. Their use allows to reduce the load of pharmacological on the body of the man by reducing the doses of the drug system.
How to properly deal with the neck chondrosis?
To stop the destruction of the intervertebral disc is only obtained with the integrated approach of treatment. Practiced the wearing of orthoses (collars) fixation of the vertebrae in anatomical position. Be sure to use the applicators for the improvement of the blood irrigation of tissues damaged by bioactive substances. View the daily activities of the physical therapy, yoga, swimming, walking in the open air. Most of the medication it is advisable to use for the relief of symptoms during exacerbations. They have a lot of side effects, including damage to the tissues of the liver. For a permanent home agree chondroprotectors, ways to improve the circulation, the balance of vitamins and minerals complex.